My husband and I make up Halo Inspirations, LLC. We have found that quilters are generally giving, supportive, and such positive people. They can also be story tellers, educators, creators, and people of inspiration that can last beyond the test of time. They find solutions and not regrets to challenges and find those challenges as opportunity for learning. Through their art, they truly have various types of impacts on their communities. Our goals are to deliver our products and services with the attributes of a quilter, and with you in mind. Because we know what you do and what you are capable of, we hope that HALO Inspirations will continue to inspire you through our inspirations and resources, and that you will continue to spread beauty and joy through your quilting journey with us! And never stop making your dreams in quilting come true!
I am a wife to a wonderful, giving husband since July of 1993. I served as a supportive military wife for 20 years, and a loyal mother of 2 beautiful children (Michael-born in 1994 and TamaLee-born in 1997). In 2015, I became a grandmother to a spunky, intelligent boy, and then a grandmother to a beautiful, intelligent baby girl in 2017. I began to crotchet around the year of 2009 and made several afghans and baby blankets throughout that time. Sometime in 2016, I worked as a RN for a couple of years, when I self-taught myself to quilt. As many of the careers that I held led into training and education, I found myself a natural educator with a strong love for it. Quilting began as something I wanted to learn as my mother and grandmother have both enjoyed the art. However, I quickly learned I had a strong passion to design, produce, and quilt quilts. The next logical step was to incorporate my love for educating. I truly hope that we can be friends and continue our journeys together.
I am the husband of an Angel...literally. Our family served the country and the world, while I served for 20 years in the Army before retiring as a 1SG. After spending this time serving with my wife following me and taking care of the household, I wanted to chase some dreams. Angel has always been passionate about whatever she does, but never actually chased a dream to the ground herself. HALO Inspirations is about that dream. I am honored to stand by her, encourage her, and help her while enjoying the creativity involved with quilting and crafts. My intention is to provide beauty to the world and hold her hand along the way, hopefully, making this world more beautiful and full of joy.