Quilting: A Philosophical Journey - Improving Mental Health

Although it is not a new word, the word “Zen” is being thrown around a lot.  When looking into this word and what it means to others of today, I realized it is defined differently to each person.  However, they all seem to basically say the same thing.  What I am seeing as a pattern is that word is defined as a state of mind that is without the demands or the struggles of our environments.  A place that is without those emotions, thoughts, or stress that we have roaming around in our minds, our bodies, and our soul.  You know that life sometimes feels really full and our minds cannot always turn it off and can completely affect us physically. But, if you can get into your “Zen,” all of that simply goes temporarily away.  My daughter described it best with one word, “relaxation.”   Some of us find our “Zen” with quilting.  There is just something about the repetitive motions or even the focus into the creativity side.  Or maybe it is watching that needle go up and down and seeing the stitches creating our beautiful works of art.  Whatever part of quilting that is allowing us to go into that state of mind, it is true that it has an effect on our psyche.

Quilting can also have other psychological therapeutic type of effects on us.  While doing some research on this weekly topic, I came across a couple of psychiatrists that utilize quilting in their practice.  One of the doctors actually has them in group therapy quilting.  When the quilts are finished, he has them hung in his lobby and a large conference-like room. How super cool is that?!?  Both of the doctors explain that quilting can help with anxiety, depression, isolation, loneliness, and confusion about how you might be feeling.  It is not just about the action or processes of quilting, but it is also about the conversations that happen while quilting with others.   Even low self-esteem can be worked on through quilting.  Seeing your creations, or finishing those UFOs, can lift up that self-esteem or your spirits! Bottom line, quilting can truly improve our mental health in so many various ways. 

For those tough times, those rough days, or if you are just in need of a positive mental health activity, I hope that quilting helps you find your “Zen” or the peace you desire.

Until next time, may you continue to be inspired, productive, and joyful!  And never stop making your dreams in quilting come true!


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Quilting: A Philosophical Journey -The Human Need to Create


Quilting: A Philosophical Journey-To Help Someone Heal