Start Chasing the Passion!

This week is the first week of the year 2019!  I cannot even hardly believe it!

This past December has been a busy one.  Christmas always seems busy anyways, but this December had many other busy things included.  We had a winter storm that was more than expected.  I took a picture during the storm with my quilting ruler (see below).  After I took that picture, we still had another couple of hours of snow continue.  As you can see, the picture shows 8 inches, and I am not sure how many we got total.  But, I had trees breaking and turned down towards the ground, because of the weight from the snow.  The damage to the trees was probably the worst part of the whole thing.  I usually don’t get anxious about these things, except this time, we lost power for probably an hour.  My heartrate was elevated quite a bit, as I worried about when it would return.  My son and I collected wood from behind the barn (aka detached garage), in the event that we need to start a fire for heat.  I wish he had his camera ready, because I face planted into the snow with a large pile of wood that I was carrying back to the house.  It would have made a great FB meme, and we could have laughed at this for years.  I had so much trouble getting up, as my arms were stuck under the wood and me.  My son asked me if I was o.k.,  but all I could do was laugh and barely say, “Help.”  It truly had to be quite the sight.  We have the wood collected in the house by the fireplace, but we were fortunate not to need it that night.

My grandson showed up around the 12 of December, and we still had some snow on the ground. We don’t get to see him every year for Christmas (he lives 12 hours away), and this one was special as it was our first year having him visit. We very extremely fortunate this year, as on the same day we also had my daughter home from college. As she is a senior this year, and plans to move to Kansas, we are not sure if we will see her next year or not. So we take all we can in while life gives it to us. My parents paid for a trip to NYC this December for my daughter and I. So, the day after she arrived, we drove to my parent’s house in PA. Together my parents, my daughter and I, caught a bus to NYC. I had never been to NYC, and just absolutely loved it. One of the best moments was seeing The Rockettes in Radio City Music Hall. Growing up, I always wanted to be a Rockette, but I was too short (according to application at the time). My parents gave my daughter and I such a wonderful gift of spending time with them in such a magnificent city with a fantabulous experience to boot! Do any of you have family experiences that create a mark in your memories and your heart? I would love to hear about them.

Radio City Music Hall

The Famous NYC Christmas Tree…

My grandson is 3 years old (4 in Feb).  Christmas is such a special time at this age.  We did the reindeer food to sprinkle on the lawn with a wish, magic Christmas pajamas to help Santa know where he is, the Stauffer reading of “The Night Before Christmas,” (we still use the same book my kids heard growing up), baking cookies, and leaving cookies and carrots for Santa and the reindeer.  There were so many experiences we got to have, it was such a magical time!

Well, enough of life, reflections on my quilting side for the year was also quite enjoyable. 

HALO Inspirations was born and began its journey.  As I have been working outside the home and we have been waiting on things to come in, it was a bit of a slower start than we wanted.  However, not a disappointment.  With the New Year, I am working a lot less outside the home, and plan to go full time with HALO later this year.  My husband has his own business that develops young soccer players.  He and his business partner have been working long and hard hours, and are continuously growing because of their hard work.  This has been such an inspiration to me to make that jump and go full time.  So, I have my boots on, my gear ready, and my mental attitude to jump as far as I can.   Thank you AirBear for your support and for showing me through example that we can do this!  Love ya!

Another thing with us is that HALO Inspirations, LLC has teamed up with Fox Wire Farm in Toano, VA.  More details will be coming soon with what is happening behind the scenes with our business fronts.  I am personally extremely excited and cannot wait to share!

The next couple of weeks are not only spent working on projects and tutorials (we are labeling those Inspirations on the website) to share with you, but also planning out the rest of the year.  So many ideas to make realities with deadlines (I function on deadlines).

People are using words for 2019.  I am using a quote.  My quote for 2019 is:

"Stop chasing the money and start chasing the passion." - Tony Hsieh

This quote is exactly what we are doing.  As parents to our children, we have taught them to follow their dreams/passions and the money will come.  HALO Inspirations is exactly that idea in motion.  We are living what we have taught our children.  Life isn’t about how much or what you have, but who you are and making a difference to others through your heart by doing things that you are passionate about.   This year is about chasing the passion!

As the New Year is here, people seem to take time to reflect a bit on the past year.  I have to say, although we had many trials, we as a business and a family have been blessed in so many ways.

Well, it is time to buckle down and get to work! We look forward to working with you in this “Chasing Your Passions” year of 2019!

Until next time, may you continued to be inspired, productive, and joyful!  And never stop making your dreams in quilting come true!

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To Sew or Not to Sew....That is NOT the Question!


Happy Thanksgiving