Happy Thanksgiving

For me, thanksgiving means the start of the Christmas Season.  Although we should all be giving thanks all year round, it is a simple holiday to take a step back and look at all that we have been blessed with and maybe where we may do more to help those in need.  I am probably one of the luckiest women on Earth, and I feel that way so many times throughout the year.  I have a very handsome, intelligent, and hardworking husband, 2 beautiful children that have hearts of gold and brains to match, and 2 most wonderful, supportive parents that still provide me an example of what I want to be when I grow up.  Each of these people in my lives give me so much support in all aspects of my life.  I could not ask for anything more and are extremely grateful for all of them. 

I have to remind those that are close to me and inform those that are not, that I am not a person that LOVES the Holidays.  In my opinion, too many people forget the true meaning of Christmas and make it a holiday of the “Perfect” gift. With the Black Friday and Cyber Monday events, it begins that hunt for those gifts.  It saddens my heart a bit when I see or hear of the materialistic side and the forgetfulness of simply giving and the birth of Jesus Christ.  When my children were growing up, we never asked them for a Christmas list.  I wasn’t really sure how to fight the “perfect” gift syndrome, but that was a beginning.  We would share time decorating the tree, sing Christmas songs, my husband would bake cookies with the kids, and we even baked a birthday cake for Jesus one year.  Of course, as they grew older, things changed a bit.  However, my children never ask for anything and are grateful for the time we get to spend together.  They state that they don’t need anything, and if we get them something, it is like icy on the cake.  They have always received gifts from my husband, myself, and Santa.  But, it is so wonderful to hear their appreciation and not expectation.  We were by far not perfect parents, but it brings such joy in my heart to know that they respect, rejoice, and acknowledge the true meaning of Christmas and love to be surrounded by family.

It is my children, husband, and parents that bring me so much joy during this season.  Not just because I love them all like crazy and appreciate everything they all do for me and each other, but because each one of them gives me the gift of acknowledgment that the spirit Christmas is alive and well and the true meaning of Christmas is not forgotten.

Ok, so none of that was crafty or quilty.  So on to passions and business.  I will have to confess, I haven’t been able to begin the Hexi tutorial yet. It is definitely on the list, and will get accomplished.  But, as the saying goes, “….Life happens when your busy making plans….”  It took me for ride this month.  LOL  I have also started volunteering for Quilts of Valor as a longarmer.  I have received my membership pin and card and finished quilting my first quilt for them.  What an honor it is to be able to serve this worthy cause.   If any of you have veterans (either active duty or retired) that have been touched by war and would like for them to be recognized for their service with a quilt, please go to the website www.qovf.org, for more information.  Or maybe you, the quilter, are interested in volunteering.  They are always in need of more volunteers and more quilts!  Same website has much information on volunteering also.

Membership Card and PIN! What Joy!

I truly hope that you all have had a fantabulous Thanksgiving. I also hope that the Christmas Season brings you joy, happiness, love, and the spirit of Christmas fills your hearts.

Until next time, may you continued to be inspired, productive, and joyful! And never stop making your dreams in quilting come true!

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