Happy Worldwide Quilting Day!

Before I dug deep in the work I have ahead of me today, I wanted to take the time to wish you all a glorious day that I hope finds you quilting away!  Today is Worldwide Quilting Day!!!  A day that takes time to celebrate the art found in beautiful quilts and the quilters that make them with their heart, their mind, and their spirit.  As we have stated before, quilters are such a unique kind of human.  They are giving, supportive, and such positive people.  They can also be story tellers, educators, creators, and people of inspiration that can last beyond the test of time.  They find solutions and not regrets to challenges and find those challenges as opportunity for learning. Through their art, they truly have various types of impacts on their communities and within the world. 

It is so fascinating to me to witness the evolution of this art and those quilting individuals through history.  At one time or another, we each have experienced that “AWE” moment with a quilt.  It is absolutely amazing how we can take a large piece of several fabrics, cut them into smaller pieces, and then quilt them into a larger piece of art!! The inspiration you drive from that is astonishing.

From our quilting world to yours, we want to say thank you to each and every one of you!   Thank you for sharing your quilts.  Thank you for sharing your abilities and creative souls.  Thank you for inspiring people every day to create their own piece of art.  Thank you for touching so many people across the world your heart to theirs with your generosity or your supportive nature. 

Today is a day to honor you and your quilts!

I wanted to share a picture of one of the oldest decorative quilts surviving today. The “Tristan Quilt” that was made in the second half of the 14th century. Apparently, 2 sections exists: One in a museum in London and 1 in a museum in Florence, Italy. Have any of you experienced this quilt personally? Bucket list item for me!

Until next time, may you continued to be inspired, productive, and joyful!  And never stop making your dreams in quilting come true!

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