I’ve been off of social media, but I have still been busy. I simply had to take some time for family. First and foremost, my beautiful daughter graduated from college! Oh, what a proud moment Eric and I had that day in May. She has spent the last 4 years at University of Kansas working so hard at not only graduating with an outstanding GPA in Sports Management BS degree, but also making a difference in the communities she was a part of. It is important to Eric and I to give into our personal communities and for HALO Inspirations to make a difference to the quilters and crafters community. Our daughter, Tam, has not only accepted this role model, but did it even better. The list of involvement and difference making is long, and it doesn’t appear that it will stop now that she has graduated. She is attending Illinois State University to receive her Master’s in Sport Psych. She is already planning on ways she can volunteer and continue to make a difference in her new community. It is such a joy for us to watch you grow into a giving, intelligent, independent, and strong woman. We are looking forward to see what you do for the next couple of years.

Our Beautiful Graduate! Rock Chalk, Jayhawk!

Our wonderful son, fantabulous Grandson, and our precious “Littlest One”

We even received another proud moment during our visit to the Kansas City area.  Our only niece also graduated from college the same week as our daughter.  She also worked hard for many years to get that piece of paper.  She did it!!!!   And we are were ever so proud.  Yes, this was the beginning of happy tears.  I have never cried as much as I have this week. They were all proud and happy tears, but still tears. 

Lastly, our grandson was visiting over the month of June.  As you can see, my son and he were able to attend Tam’s graduation.  What a joy to have them all together.  David is Grandma’s buddy.  We learned numbers, shapes, and practiced coloring in the lines.  He also LOVES Grandma’s sewing studio.  He is fascinated with the shapes I cut from fabric (especially the triangles-his favorite shape), the fabric prints, and the sewing machine.  He really wants to learn to use it.  He isn’t old enough to do that yet, but I am so looking forward to teaching him.  Sometimes he would do arts and crafts in my studio, while I sewed or cut fabric.  He was really intrigued by mixing colors of his finger paint to see what colors would make what.  For example, yellow and blue make green.  He found so many variations that ended in gray, purple, blue, green, and pink.  It was so much fun to watch how much he enjoyed the magic of mixing colors.  I do believe the creative bug is in his genes.  It will be a joy to see where he goes with it, as he gets older.

Sitting in his favorite color room with his small block sewn by his Grandma. Don’t tell anyone, but he is my favorite little boy!

Sooooo…the quilting side of me.  Where has it been?  Still working, but just slower.  I have been working on my pattern for the table runner and the placemats.  Once I finish piecing them all, I will finish writing the pattern.  I cannot wait to share it with you.  I have also quilted another QOV, and planned the videos to be done for anyone who prefers that method of learning.  Speaking of planning.  I may be participating in my first craft/quilt show as a vendor.  Have any of y’all done one?  I would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions for success or what to expect.  In the meantime, I am planning on the number of products to have and what I have to make each month to achieve that.  I have to work double time in August to be where I need to be for the show, as July is just crazy full of catch up from the last month and a half.  I am in no way complaining, as the time spent with my daughter and family and spending time with David is irreplaceable.  I would do it again in a heartbeat.  I am also beginning the planning stages of a collage style T-shirt quilt.  I want to be able to show people an example of that for those that would like one made.  I should have it finished in August/September.  Lastly, I did post another blog style Inspiration (tutorial) on the 1/4” seam that you can find on the “Inspirations” tab on my website.  The "Inspirations" tab is a place for tips, tricks and some free tutorials. We have even created a tab, "List of Inspirations," to help you find past tutorials easier.

Have you just been frustrated with your blocks not coming out to the right size?  It simply may be that 1/4" seam.  Learning your numbers and coloring inside the lines, as a 4 year old does, can be something that requires focus and determination.  With that focus, determination, and understanding, you too can get those 1/4" seams!

After connecting dots 1-6, he is determined and focused to color that spider in the lines….course, he has to work harder, as he does better with his right hand.

Although there are other factors that could influence your unfinished block size, we wanted to begin with the 1/4" seam.  This blog style tutorial will help you to understand how important that seam is and how to achieve it.  Our next project is to discuss cutting! Before we post that tutorial, we are currently working on the video tutorials for "How to do Hexies" and “The 1/4" Seam.” If there is an idea that you would like to see information about, let us know! 

I also wanted to take a moment to introduce you to Jasmine, my teammate that helps get others Unfinished Objects (UFOs) quilted (to include my own).

Jasmine after finishing another quilting adventure!

Until next time, may you continue to be inspired, productive, and joyful!  And never stop making your dreams in quilting come true! 

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Inspiration ~ Where Do You Find Yours?


An English Paper Piecing Quilting Inspiration & Rag Quilts! What do they have in common?