Leaders and Enders

Leaders and Enders are generally thought of when we think of the brilliant and beautiful, Bonnie Hunter.  Such a fantabulous idea from a genius of a woman.  If you are not sure what a leader/ender is, you can visit quiltville.com, click the tips and tricks bar, and scroll down to the Leaders & Enders tab.  No one can explain it better than the creator.

However, as today is New Year’s Eve, my “leader and ender” is a completely different thought process.  I thought it was a great way to embrace the New Year.  (Eric actually came up with the idea-he is just so stinkin’ smart!)

Leaders into 2020:

The first thing that comes to mind is the “Word of the Year” idea.  This word of the year is suppose to guide you through the year and remind you of what you want to accomplish or how you want to grow as person.   I will be honest, on a personal level, I do not have one.  I have never really been into the idea.  However, when it comes to a “Word of the Year” for HALO Inspirations, that is super easy and worth adopting.  The word of the year for HALO is “Gratitude!”  Many words went through our minds, but everything always circles back to being grateful.  Originally, we thought of the word, “You.”  As you are the heroes by spreading beauty and joy, it was a simple thought that “You” would be our word.  You are not only the heroes, but you are also the bloodline of HALO Inspirations.  You give life to HALO, and we hold a special appreciation for you.  So, there it came, “Gratitude.”  Throughout the next year, HALO will take time to reflect on the little things to be grateful for, the big things to be grateful for, and ALWAYS take time to say, “Thank You” to you.  As actions speak louder than words, the next year is planned out to deliver more because of the gratitude we hold for you and with you ALWAYS in mind.

Speaking of delivery, this leads us to our next leader into 2020.  Beginning on 8 January 2020, just about every week a new video will release.  As 2020 is not just a new year, but a new decade, the first set of videos are more for the beginner quilter.  A new beginning seemed appropriate to begin at the beginning.  Therefore, the first video is titled, “How to Prep Your Fabric.”   Because there are many different methods in quilting with every different process, even the experienced quilter may hear or see something inside this “How to Quilt” video series that gives a bit of “food for thought.”  We hope everyone will join us and leave comments or thoughts along the way!  After the first few weeks of this series, we will begin to jump into other ideas.  They will be a continuous way to build on your quilting skills-starting very simple and eventually building into more difficult skills. 

The 3rd leader into 2020 is- we have decided to begin a social side to our community.  As we have blogged about in past blogs, quilting is a social event on many different levels.   This is not a new concept.  Quilting has had the social element throughout history.  Therefore, we have decided to embrace the social side of quilting.  Starting on 2 Jan 2020, a new tab will be found on our FaceBook Page.  It will be our community page.  Here you will have the opportunity to join me and other HALO cherubs for at least an hour, just about every week.  The first social gathering will be held on Saturday 11 Jan 2020 at 3 pm.  If you haven’t joined our FB page, come on by!  We would love to see you there! Link found here.

Although there is more “leaders” into 2020 than these 3 items, I want to be able to discuss the “enders” of 2019.

Well, there really is only one “Ender” to 2019.  OK, I just thought of a second…lol…

The first ender is that this is the last blog posting of 2019, and I couldn’t think of a more appropriate ending than to talk about some of the new things coming your way from HALO for YOU and to show our gratitude for everything you have done and will continue to do. You are our HEROES!

The last ender of 2019 is a moment to say, “Thank You,” for the last time this year!  Thank you for subscribing to “Be Inspired,” for all your support, and for simply being YOU!  Although we may be here to give you inspirations to help you spread beauty and joy through your quilting journey, it is YOU that is making a difference in the world!  It is you that brings smiles to faces, it is you that gives quilting hugs to those in need of one, and it is you that brings happiness to so many people through your works of art!  So, thank you! 

Until next time, may you continued to be inspired, productive, and joyful!  And may you never stop making your dreams in quilting come true!

See you next year!!!!



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