Projects, Projects, and More Projects!

Good Morning to you all!  Hope I find you with a Happy Friday!!!


I was thinking this past week about the very frequent question I hear from quilters, “How many projects do you have going at once?”  I personally find this question extremely interesting, and more so, the answers.  For me, I have 6 projects currently in the works.  They, however, are all in different stages, with one I use as a leader/ender.  They are as follows:

1.  I am hand quilting my very first pieced quilt that I intend to give to my husband.  No rush, as I probably will never hand quilt again.  Not something I find that I am very good at.  I enjoy the relaxation, just simply not my forte.

2.  I am cutting the pieces to a Tshirt quilt.

3.  I am domestically quilting a Christmas tree skirt.

4.  I am building appliques for a topper that I plan to donate in spring of 2019.

5.  I am designing a Christmas Tree skirt pattern of my own.

6.  And I have On Ringo Lake, by Bonnie Hunter, as my leader ender that I piece when I am piecing another quilt.

My own rules say that I cannot start another project until one of these have been finished.  As each project moves into the next phase, I have to finish that phase of the prior quilt before I begin working on another project that will be in that phase.  Does this make sense?  This allows me to keep focused and finish more than not.  I did noticed that I do not have a binding phase in the mix.  I simply love to bind.  So, I tend to focus on it and get it done.  The Christmas Tree Skirt that I am currently quilting will be my next binding project.  Oh how I look forward to that!

Some of the answers I have heard are so much more than 6.  I am so fascinated how people can keep up with more than that.  So, my question for the week is, how many projects do you have going now, and how do you keep focused to complete them?  I used to be a 1 project at a time girl until it was finished.  But I realized that I get so much more done, if I split up the time with different stages.  Of course, the leader/ender doesn’t really count.  It will get done when it gets done.  However, I am in awe of those that really get the groove going, have multiple projects, and complete various quilts throughout the time.

I am looking forward to hearing all about your projects!  Until next time, may you continued to be inspired, productive, and joyful!  And never stop making your dreams in quilting come true!

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