Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Great way to use a striped fabric and make a stunning quilt!
Instructor: Ann Czompo
You will receive 15% off supplies needed for class and 15% off in store during the day of class.
Fabric Requirements:
1 1/4 yard of striped fabric, vertical off the bolt (not across width) in one piece.
3/4 yard more of the same fabric for the outside borders and binding.
3/8 yard of a complimentary or contrasting fabric for inside borders and cornerstones.
Backing: 3 yards
Thread (with a loaded bobbin) for assembling blocks and borders. Medium color for stitching medium value fabrics, dark for dark fabrics.
Rotary mat, rulers (24 x 6, 12 x 6, 12 x 12 are useful for different stages of cutting, if you have them).
Your favorite rotary cutter with new blade.
Seam ripper
Scissors for thread snipping
Fingernail, little wood presser, or a coin for “finger pressing”
Small terry cloth hand towel for steam pressing
Post It Notes for labelling.
Sewing Machine:
Sewing machine, appropriate feet, cord, foot pedal, manual, recently oiled, new needle, familiarity with.
Cost: $35.00