Singer Featherweight Bobbins Roll of 15


From The Featherweight Shop

ROLL of 15* Superior Quality Bobbins for the Singer Featherweight 221, 222 & 301 Sewing Machine. Quaint little roll with red cap ends, and Featherweight Shop logo on the clear tube - perfectly sized to keep all your bobbins stored neatly and securely with no more run away threads!  To access the bobbins, simply push up either cap end with your thumb and the cap will slip right off.

TIP:  Wind all bobbins first using your favorite and most commonly used thread (Dove Grey is amazing!). Then use one end of the roll to dispense filled bobbins and the other end to return the used ones! 

*Photo from Featherweight Shop

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From The Featherweight Shop

ROLL of 15* Superior Quality Bobbins for the Singer Featherweight 221, 222 & 301 Sewing Machine. Quaint little roll with red cap ends, and Featherweight Shop logo on the clear tube - perfectly sized to keep all your bobbins stored neatly and securely with no more run away threads!  To access the bobbins, simply push up either cap end with your thumb and the cap will slip right off.

TIP:  Wind all bobbins first using your favorite and most commonly used thread (Dove Grey is amazing!). Then use one end of the roll to dispense filled bobbins and the other end to return the used ones! 

*Photo from Featherweight Shop

From The Featherweight Shop

ROLL of 15* Superior Quality Bobbins for the Singer Featherweight 221, 222 & 301 Sewing Machine. Quaint little roll with red cap ends, and Featherweight Shop logo on the clear tube - perfectly sized to keep all your bobbins stored neatly and securely with no more run away threads!  To access the bobbins, simply push up either cap end with your thumb and the cap will slip right off.

TIP:  Wind all bobbins first using your favorite and most commonly used thread (Dove Grey is amazing!). Then use one end of the roll to dispense filled bobbins and the other end to return the used ones! 

*Photo from Featherweight Shop

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