Singer Featherweight Bobbin Tension Meter
From The Featherweight Shop
Thread weights can vary greatly these days and the bobbin tension will need adjusted accordingly, so even if your sweet mama always said to never, ever, ever touch your bobbin tension, this easy-to-use Bobbin Tension Meter will allow you to do so with confidence.
Can you guess how many grams the tension requires?
If you guessed 23 grams, you would be correct! By pulling on the thread using the Bobbin Tension Meter you can measure and gauge the tension, making adjustments as needed. It's that easy! Now you won't have to wonder or guess and, yes, you actually can touch your bobbin tension with confidence because you will set it right each and every time, no matter what weight of thread you use.
*Photo From The Featherweight Shop
From The Featherweight Shop
Thread weights can vary greatly these days and the bobbin tension will need adjusted accordingly, so even if your sweet mama always said to never, ever, ever touch your bobbin tension, this easy-to-use Bobbin Tension Meter will allow you to do so with confidence.
Can you guess how many grams the tension requires?
If you guessed 23 grams, you would be correct! By pulling on the thread using the Bobbin Tension Meter you can measure and gauge the tension, making adjustments as needed. It's that easy! Now you won't have to wonder or guess and, yes, you actually can touch your bobbin tension with confidence because you will set it right each and every time, no matter what weight of thread you use.
*Photo From The Featherweight Shop
From The Featherweight Shop
Thread weights can vary greatly these days and the bobbin tension will need adjusted accordingly, so even if your sweet mama always said to never, ever, ever touch your bobbin tension, this easy-to-use Bobbin Tension Meter will allow you to do so with confidence.
Can you guess how many grams the tension requires?
If you guessed 23 grams, you would be correct! By pulling on the thread using the Bobbin Tension Meter you can measure and gauge the tension, making adjustments as needed. It's that easy! Now you won't have to wonder or guess and, yes, you actually can touch your bobbin tension with confidence because you will set it right each and every time, no matter what weight of thread you use.
*Photo From The Featherweight Shop